Two penguins, Connerly and Peepers, were sharing a package of Fritos in front of Connerly’s condo when the Elder Peruvian approached them.
“We have Fritos,” said Connerly. “Would you like some?”
The Elder Peruvian did not speak English, and Peepers, who was holding the bag of Fritos at the time, did not extend the bag in his direction. The Elder Peruvian simply smiled and walked by.
Balthazar the Mallard
“Always play your cards close to your feathers,” said Balthazar the Mallard. “And always leave with at least one chicken joke untold.”
With those pearls having been shared, Balthazar the Mallard took flight south. The foxes, deer, antelopes, and bees were sorry to see him go but autumn was almost over and they all had to prepare for the coming winter. It was expected to
Something Like a Raccoon Called Duluth on the Maxwells’ Phone
It was a raccoon that broke into the Maxwells’ home and ran up their telephone bill to an astronomical amount. Or so they told the lemon-scented woman at the counter of the telephone office.
“Really and truly, that’s the way it occurred,” maintained Mr. Maxwell, the